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An international association of independent specialty firms that devote a majority of their practice to intellectual property law.


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AIPF Membership

Membership renewal is available now. Each firm administrator should have received an e-mail with instructions on how to renew. 

Learn more about membership here>>

AIPF IP Law Bugle

The 47th Issue of the IP Law Bugle has been published! Don't miss the latest member firm news, newest member blog posts, and more!

Read the latest issue here>>

Missed AIPF's WebIPHour?

Members receive unlimited access to our WebIPHour Archives featuring hot topics in IP law and boutique practice management. 

View the recordings>>

Association of Intellectual Property Firms (AIPF)
c/o RRR Associations, LLC
229 Seventh Street, Suite 202, Garden City, NY 11530, USA
T: 1.201.308.6948   F: 1.201.461.6635   E: